I want admission to Abhinav

  1. How to Apply
  2. What happens after I fill the form
  3. What happens once I am given provisional admission
  4. When is my admission confirmed

I have already taken Admission (My admission has been confirmed)

  1. Is there any induction / orientation program
  2. How to join Online Sessions
  3. How to join Class Meetings

How to Apply

Read this page, Fill the form and Pay the form fees

What happens after I fill the form

We check your details and the form fee payment. In case something is missing we contact you. We also check if you are eligible for admission to that class as per the govt and board/council regulations. Then we provisionally confirm your admission. We will then get in touch with you for further process.

What happens once I am given provisional admission

We will contact you with login details for this website where you can pay the fees, see the syllabus, books, exams etc.

When is my admission confirmed

When you pay the first installment of fees as instructed and when your documents are submitted as per govt rules. In some cases if some of your documents are missing, we will take an undertaking (letter) from you that you will give them by so and so date.

Is there any induction / orientation program

Usually when the year begins for a fresh batch, we have an orientation program where teachers will guide you about various rules, books, uniform and about the way we teach and how the exams happen. We will contact you directly with this info. However, for late admissions, your class teacher can give you this information. Do ask them. Parents are expected to be present in this program.

Before joining the orientation you need to know your Google login for accessing Classroom, Meet, GMail, etc

How to join Online Sessions

For online classes or for using various Apps even during normal classes you will need an Abhinav Google login.

  1. Your Abhinav Google login is THE SAME as the login you were given to join this website. (Where you paid the fees)
  2. It looks like yourfirstname_number@abhinav.ac.in. For example shyam_81929@abhinav.ac.in
  3. Your password is the same as you were given for his site, i.e. for example Abh#1_Xx
  4. Open Google Classroom or download the App on your phone. Login to Classroom using your Abhinav Google ID. The first time you do this it wil ask you to change the password. Set a strong password. Once you are in you will see your class on that page. Enter the class and you can see various posts or assignments etc. WE USE Google Classroom for instructions, assignments and teaching even from before the pandemic. So even during physical school, you will need to use this AppIf you are unsure how to use it, ask during the orientation or contact the office. They will guide you.
  5. Now go to GMail and login using your Abhinav Google ID.
  6. For online meetings during pandemic and otherwise, we use Google Meet. You should login using the same Abhinav Google ID. You can even access your meets using GMail.
  7. There are other apps like Drive, Calendar etc which you will need to use. Your teachers will instruct you as needed.

How to join Class Meetings

The link to the class meeting (for lectures) is on the top of the Classroom App. On the website it is the entire link while in the phone App it is the camera icon. For special meetings like orientation or parents meets, you will see a post in Classroom with the link.